Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Had to say goodbye (or see you soon depending on your beliefs) to two wonderful people today.  Really the hardest thing I've had to do in recent memory.  I made it through...but just barely.  I've always had to use humor to...not mask...but to get through life's emotional curveballs and hold my shit together.  I'll summarize just briefly b/c I want to.  

These two taught me what funny was...what laughter was...and most of all what love was.  I was their only grandchild and most definitely received all the benefits that came with.  CDs I wasn't supposed to have, games I probably should have learned at a later age (poker), songs I probably shouldn't have heard until older still (Elvira comes to mind for some reason) and definitely words I shouldn't have used until grown ("damn it" over a dropped sandwich or something...Nan in horror, Pop w/ a sly proud smile on his face).  They were what grandparents should be (and what I can see in my parents now as I've been fortunate enough to make them grandparents)...the purveyors of harmless, but necessary joyful mischief.  The "yes's" to the parents "no's".  The we can skip school today to the parents regimen...the keepers of the fun.  

Nan's been gone a long time, and Pop was the last of my grandparents to go which in a way has been the hardest part of this whole thing so far.  I miss them, I miss them all.  But more importantly...every story I tell, ever sarcastic remark I make, every time I make someone smile or feel like they're "normal" when they may feel differently...well...I don't really miss them at all, b/c that is them.  I certainly didn't have the capacity to take all they had to give...but I thank God they had the willingness and love to give me all they had.  I pray someday I can do the it forward as they say.  Parents teach and and mold...but the reward of being a grandparent is you get to fill in the cracks with fun, love, and a dose of "Don't tell mommy or daddy".  

I love you nanny and papa, grandma and grandpa...I'll try my hardest not to miss you...but to keep you around by making others feel the way you would have. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Nan & Pop

5x7 Folded Card
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tad's Acoustic Series Part Five - Changing Once a Day

This is a fun one and well represents a touch of maturity in my song-writing (I just threw up in my mouth typing that out).  Before this song I was always trying to emulate the bands that got me into music, Smashing Pumpkins, Pearl Jam, Live, Alice in Chains, etc.  Granted, listen to the stuff that I wrote during that period and I wasn't even close to anything that resembled those bands...but that's what I was trying to be in my head.  Once this song came around...with this vibe and these weird chords that I felt I invented at that time (because I have an enormous head...figuratively and literally) it was a whole new world (author's note:  Came across a UK copy of Aladdin on eBay recently...and my 3 & 4 year old have watched it in the neighborhood of 25 times that may shape some of my writing in the near future).  But without further ado:

Some say they're the same as any other day
But they're not the same, why is that?
It's not that hard to be the same as you were just one day ago
Maybe there's a disease spreading change that no one's ever heard of before...

A different thought a different feeling is a new you coming out
Is there anything you can do to stop it?  I don't see why not
A new yourself a new beginning or just another f***** up you
Why not just hang on to what you're feeling and try and see something through...

With this changing once a day how will you ever really find out who you are?
Will this pattern you've succumbed to ever stop?
How will you ever really know you?

Personalities come and go like the travelers at the bus stop
These days reality is very shaky but some things never change

The hubris of these lyrics is awesome!  Coming off a break up...judging an 18-19 year old girl for having the audacity to change her mind about the way she felt about me...or not even that...just wanting to get out of high school and see what life had to offer outside of her high school boyfriend.  I spent a significant amount of time scouring the deepest recesses of my brain to come up with basically, "Hey!  What's the deal??".  Brilliant stuff!  I guess these lyrics are a shining example of the extreme self-centeredness of youth combined with having yet come to terms with true human nature.  Ah to be young and dumb(er) once again!

Getting away from all that...I guess it just begs the we change...or are we just we?  And is we nothing but a conglomeration of static and erratic behavior where change takes place on a daily basis, minute by minute even...but that "change" is nothing but the sum of what we actually are?  Changing once a day?  Maybe I was aiming way way too low.  Everything we experience from the moment we leave the bed to the moment we return...does it change us in any way?  Does it take a "life-changer" to bring about true change or can picking a different route to work or a new flavor of coffee creamer cause a ripple effect that can honestly alter the course of who we are?  

Or do we actively seek to constantly "change" in order to find out who we really are?  Maybe I had it ass-backwards!  Maybe life is nothing more than a series of auditions and we're trying to secure the role of us?!  By the way...if that's true and I'm auditioning to be me...although I would truly like the part, I would expect the Big Casting Director in the Sky to go with a much younger, slimmer'll definitely get more asses in the seats that way.

But enough about me.

As I feel with every one of these...certain there's not much sense to be made...but grateful for any eyeballs trying to find some.

Love y'all.


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tad's Acoustic Series Part Four - Unseen Love

This one we can go ahead and have a little fun with as to what it actually means...or who it's actually about...or who in the hell did I think I was busting out "vigilance", "sprang out of consciousness", "flower of my love" and "enraptured" in the same verse at the age of...oh...we'll call it 20.  I'm going to say I was coming off of my first long-term relationship...or I guess you could just call it my first relationship...period (no guessing...that's what it was...not sure why I said "I guess" when there's no guessing needed...but I'm leaving it in).  So...if I have to try to figure out where I was going with this I'd have to say...oh, well first, please enjoy, and don't judge too harshly:

Sing softly echoing
I'll bring you anything
Unspoken shuttering
I'll be your everything

You're everything I've wanted you're wholly beautiful
You're everything I need of this I am for sure
You're everything I've wanted you're wholly beautiful
You're everything I need

I would leave this song for another day to hear your voice sing on responding
Wrapped inside your heart just to make you say nothing could destroy my longing
I misplaced my plans take a different way surround yourself I'll be your haunting
Three words once said never quite the cleared a new understanding

Not a look nor move just vigilance I am convinced
Utter loss of self in your presence you're everything I ever wanted
Open heart sprang out of consciousness the flower of my love unbroken
Capture me enraptured by loveliness my love for you goes on undaunted

As I was best guess would be that this song was about her...or the idea of her...mixed in with the idea of the next her and how I felt she needed to be honored, respected, and pedestalized (40 Year Old Virgin reference intended).  Also, knowing myself as I do the thought of a next she was nothing more than a pipe-dream anyway as I've apparently been gifted with the self esteem of a prom-night wallflower.

Not sure why that is actually...but I'm guessing it has something to do with only child syndrome and the feeling (while maybe only just that) that your existence is so important to two people that they have no choice but to instill in you the fact that you're special...and you have no choice (being a newer addition to the planet) but to believe what they believe about you.  Once you get out there in the real world and realize that we're all nothing but different shaped/sized/colored versions of the same thing...I think it can take any self-esteem you have packed into your vault and blow it up like unstable dynamite and Doc Arzt of LOST fame (my references are intolerable).

All this to say...the dude who wrote these lyrics makes me nostalgic for the times when his optimism for the future felt so pure...but also annoyed at his naiveté (but not nearly as annoyed as I am w/ myself for my continued use of parenthesis and flowery words such as naiveté) that such feelings can be secured for any lengthy period of time.  These honeymoon phase feelings are merely possible for fleeting moments in our lives.  But, perhaps the best way to live is jumping from fleeting moment to fleeting moment, steeling your heart against the bitterness that life can imbue in you with it's disappointments and struggles and keeping your course steady towards the next fleeting moment.  Maybe with a change in perspective each day can be its own fleeting moment and we can live in utter, silly happiness for the rest of our days...

Is it that simple that the key to a fulfilled and happy life may just lie in the angle from which you choose to observe it?

I don't know much...but I love you for reading this.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tad's Acoustic Series Part Three - Untitled

If there's one thing that drives me crazy it's the pretentiousness of an "artist" to not even have the fortitude to name their art.  May I present to you an extremely old song, boldly called, "Untitled"!

This was written probably around 2000 as an unlisted track for an album we were actually making (by we I mean my first band Some Friends of Mine...SFOM to the cool kids).  We had some pretty crazy gigs for being so youth group, two elementary school chapels, and 2 or 3 self promoted gigs at our local church.  We were about as hard core as hard core could be.

Anyways...I wrote this as a solo piece to sort of tag on to the end of the album (recorded in a beat up old garage in Torrance, CA by a really awesome dude, Ken Roberts).  We were a "christian" band...a band full of church-going christians...and as the guy writing the lyrics, pretty much everything had to have a christianity laced tie-in or else I wouldn't go with it.  I guess it was sort of at the beginning (if there ever really was one) of the can a band full of christians just be a band or are they required to be a "christian" band...and is that even a thing...I don't know.  Certainly not the most honest of song-writing approaches...and perhaps a bit contrived...but not in this song, there was definitely sincerity in this one.  Please enjoy:

Goodnight, goodbye my angel
May the gift of silence follow your drifting eyes
May the weight of the world pass over your heart without a fear
And the memories of before lose themselves in the hope of new life

When I look at you I see a light so true
But what you do is not the real you

Goodnight, goodbye my darlin'
Lives can change as the world spins away
Don't believe in anything you hear banged in your head
Don't believe in anything, the world's mistake

As soft as the dawn bringing brand new day
A touch on the heart can bring you all the way
It can bring you all the way

And I'd do anything just to hear your say you're through with looking elsewhere for something
And I'd give everything if you'd find your way
An unbelievable chance for a love free of pain it's not out there in the shadows of life's complaints
But I'm still sitting back waiting for today
Because today is no better time for everything you want

Pretty cut and dry...the concerned narrator pleading with his protagonist to wake up and believe in the treasures that lie beyond what we can see.  Turn off the noise of the world and succumb to the "truth".  I can't say this song was about anyone in particular, just a likely subject-matter for the songs written at that time of my life...but now, 14+ years and many lifetimes later...maybe the protagonist is me?

Thanks for your time as always...hope you enjoyed.  Love y'all.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Tad's Acoustic Series Part Two - Out of My Mind

If there's one thing I've learned, it's that I'm definitely out of my mind (I've also learned that I judgmentally snicker when people misspell definitely as defiantly...but that's another story).  In fact, if you dig back into those parenthesis I may in all actuality be defiantly out of my mind as well, but I'm not sure any of that has to do with anything...which is sort of my life's view at this moment.  Now, for the lyrics:

I feel your heart beat next to mine
And I listen as it dances right in time
To the music in my head
Good God I think I'm fallen

I whisper something to you so sincere
In an instant all the clouds have turned to clear
And I know I’m not okay
Good Lord now I know I’ve fallen

Out of my mind and out of my head
My spectrum’s been shifted to green from red
And the color of your eyes leave nothing unsaid
And I know, I’m as good as dead

I watched the sunset yesterday
And I smiled as the rays blurred to a haze
And I thought ain't it beautiful
Good lord could I think I've fallen

My heart nearly stopped as you walked away
Then stopped for good when back you came
Now I know my mind has changed
Good god I know I’ve fallen

Looks like I’m fallen in love

I'm pretty sure this was written on my bedroom floor (as most of these songs were)...and I'm also fairly certain it's not about anyone in particular.  In fact, I think it was written at a time in my life where being "fallen" in love was just a hope...coming off another 2+ year "failed" relationship and feeling as I often did in those days as there was no one out there that would want me (boo-hoo I know...leave me alone, I was, and perhaps still am, a bit of a romantic pessimist).  

Lastly, this song came from a time when the "band" (my buddies Carl & Luke at the time) were starting to play open mics on a weekly basis and we felt (probably I felt most strongly) that we had to have a new song each week.  I taught them the chords and structure in the parking lot about 30 minutes before we went was just how we did things.  Looking back on those times...knowing that I wanted a new song each week and was able to keep up w/ that "demand" for quite some time astounds me.  As I may have mentioned before, I have not written a meaningful full song in some time...if I had to put a number on it, my best guess would be at least eight these songs defiantly came at the height of my creativity (FYI - the defiantly was on purpose).

Thanks all for checking it out, liking (hopefully), and commenting if you like.  This sort of exercise really gets me fired up...and I'm excited to find the time to record the rest and give insights as I well as dig up old memories that keep the fire going (and may even stoke it to some degree).  A dear friend of mine recently asked me to write a song about where I'm at right now in life, w/ all the stresses, joys, and pains of Happily Ever After...well, she knows who she is...and my goal is to have that done by the time I get around to finishing this for her (and for me).

Thanks and love to y'all (I have a best friend and best friend-in-law in TX so I can use y'all w/ no hesitance).


Friday, March 7, 2014

Tad's Acoustic Series Part One - I Came to Play

So here we go...part one in a (insert number here) part series of songs I wrote many, many years ago and have recently decided to record one last time...just to share before I decide to give up the whole music thing all together.  

First of all, musically at least, this is probably my favorite of any song I've ever written (which is sort of like Nascar beginning their season w/ the biggest race of all).  I like the funky/fun vibe mixed w/ the usual depressing lyrics (my trade mark).  If memory serves, I wrote this in about an hour, sitting in my bedroom in my parents house.  Speaking of said lyrics, I suppose I should share them before we go any further:

I wanna feel this way forever how ‘bout you, you ready for something new?
I don’t expect things to get colder how ‘bout you, you ready to freeze right through?
You’ve got your reasons and I’ve got mine
And you won’t believe them but I don’t mind
Because I’ve felt this way forever it’s nothing new, are you ready to be abused?
Someone once told me things will always work for good if I only wait
I tried to believe them as I counted down the days and days and days…
Am I counting the right way?

What’s that look I don’t believe it, what’s it say, are things ready to go my way
I know I used to take for granted everything, just wish something would stay the same
You never were in it could things be worse
The way that you spin it I’m just not sure
Because I’ve felt this way forever, I came to play, and I wish you’d go away

Got time for a quick story how ‘bout something true
You may have jumped before me but I was ready before you
Don’t spout no explanation I’m careless either way

The day I lost you forever was the day my world was gained

This was one of my first lessons in the way that my songs could affect the ones who it was written about.  I flat out got called out on this one.  To me, it was a playful expression of my feelings, to her it was an indictment...and I've never forgotten that feeling of knowing how my "art" hurt someone's feelings.  In fact, it probably affected every song I wrote after all actually it was the last truly "good" song I wrote...I put "good" in quotation marks b/c it's entirely subjective...but just my opinion.  

Song writing is a difficult least for me.  I have yet to learn how to write from a 3rd party observer perspective...everything I've ever written has been extremely personal...and maybe that's why it's been relatively good...not sure.  I'll be honest, I haven't written a decent song since I've been married w/ kids...b/c expressing your true feelings in such a vulnerable situation as that just seems to risky.  I love my wife, I love my kids...but to dive deep into the inner recesses of my dark soul honestly just seems like it leaves too much room for hurt for those I love.  Anyway, this is the first installment.  I can't promise any regular schedule or anything b/c that's just not how things work nowadays...but I am excited to record my "hits" and share them w/ you...and tell you a bit about what each of them mean, or at least meant to me at the time.  Please share, please enjoy...and please tell me what you think.

Love you all,

If you have any issues linking to the video, please visit my Facebook page, or let me know...I'll work out any kinks moving forward.