Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tad's Acoustic Series Part Four - Unseen Love

This one we can go ahead and have a little fun with as to what it actually means...or who it's actually about...or who in the hell did I think I was busting out "vigilance", "sprang out of consciousness", "flower of my love" and "enraptured" in the same verse at the age of...oh...we'll call it 20.  I'm going to say I was coming off of my first long-term relationship...or I guess you could just call it my first relationship...period (no guessing...that's what it was...not sure why I said "I guess" when there's no guessing needed...but I'm leaving it in).  So...if I have to try to figure out where I was going with this I'd have to say...oh, well first, please enjoy, and don't judge too harshly:

Sing softly echoing
I'll bring you anything
Unspoken shuttering
I'll be your everything

You're everything I've wanted you're wholly beautiful
You're everything I need of this I am for sure
You're everything I've wanted you're wholly beautiful
You're everything I need

I would leave this song for another day to hear your voice sing on responding
Wrapped inside your heart just to make you say nothing could destroy my longing
I misplaced my plans take a different way surround yourself I'll be your haunting
Three words once said never quite the same...vision cleared a new understanding

Not a look nor move just vigilance I am convinced
Utter loss of self in your presence you're everything I ever wanted
Open heart sprang out of consciousness the flower of my love unbroken
Capture me enraptured by loveliness my love for you goes on undaunted

As I was saying...my best guess would be that this song was about her...or the idea of her...mixed in with the idea of the next her and how I felt she needed to be honored, respected, and pedestalized (40 Year Old Virgin reference intended).  Also, knowing myself as I do the thought of a next she was nothing more than a pipe-dream anyway as I've apparently been gifted with the self esteem of a prom-night wallflower.

Not sure why that is actually...but I'm guessing it has something to do with only child syndrome and the feeling (while maybe only just that) that your existence is so important to two people that they have no choice but to instill in you the fact that you're special...and you have no choice (being a newer addition to the planet) but to believe what they believe about you.  Once you get out there in the real world and realize that we're all nothing but different shaped/sized/colored versions of the same thing...I think it can take any self-esteem you have packed into your vault and blow it up like unstable dynamite and Doc Arzt of LOST fame (my references are intolerable).

All this to say...the dude who wrote these lyrics makes me nostalgic for the times when his optimism for the future felt so pure...but also annoyed at his naiveté (but not nearly as annoyed as I am w/ myself for my continued use of parenthesis and flowery words such as naiveté) that such feelings can be secured for any lengthy period of time.  These honeymoon phase feelings are merely possible for fleeting moments in our lives.  But, perhaps the best way to live is jumping from fleeting moment to fleeting moment, steeling your heart against the bitterness that life can imbue in you with it's disappointments and struggles and keeping your course steady towards the next fleeting moment.  Maybe with a change in perspective each day can be its own fleeting moment and we can live in utter, silly happiness for the rest of our days...

Is it that simple that the key to a fulfilled and happy life may just lie in the angle from which you choose to observe it?

I don't know much...but I love you for reading this.


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