Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tad's Acoustic Series Part Three - Untitled

If there's one thing that drives me crazy it's the pretentiousness of an "artist" to not even have the fortitude to name their art.  May I present to you an extremely old song, boldly called, "Untitled"!

This was written probably around 2000 as an unlisted track for an album we were actually making (by we I mean my first band Some Friends of Mine...SFOM to the cool kids).  We had some pretty crazy gigs for being so young...one youth group, two elementary school chapels, and 2 or 3 self promoted gigs at our local church.  We were about as hard core as hard core could be.

Anyways...I wrote this as a solo piece to sort of tag on to the end of the album (recorded in a beat up old garage in Torrance, CA by a really awesome dude, Ken Roberts).  We were a "christian" band...a band full of church-going christians...and as the guy writing the lyrics, pretty much everything had to have a christianity laced tie-in or else I wouldn't go with it.  I guess it was sort of at the beginning (if there ever really was one) of the can a band full of christians just be a band or are they required to be a "christian" band...and is that even a thing...I don't know.  Certainly not the most honest of song-writing approaches...and perhaps a bit contrived...but not in this song, there was definitely sincerity in this one.  Please enjoy:

Goodnight, goodbye my angel
May the gift of silence follow your drifting eyes
May the weight of the world pass over your heart without a fear
And the memories of before lose themselves in the hope of new life

When I look at you I see a light so true
But what you do is not the real you

Goodnight, goodbye my darlin'
Lives can change as the world spins away
Don't believe in anything you hear banged in your head
Don't believe in anything, the world's mistake

As soft as the dawn bringing brand new day
A touch on the heart can bring you all the way
It can bring you all the way

And I'd do anything just to hear your say you're through with looking elsewhere for something
And I'd give everything if you'd find your way
An unbelievable chance for a love free of pain it's not out there in the shadows of life's complaints
But I'm still sitting back waiting for today
Because today is no better time for everything you want

Pretty cut and dry...the concerned narrator pleading with his protagonist to wake up and believe in the treasures that lie beyond what we can see.  Turn off the noise of the world and succumb to the "truth".  I can't say this song was about anyone in particular, just a likely subject-matter for the songs written at that time of my life...but now, 14+ years and many lifetimes later...maybe the protagonist is me?

Thanks for your time as always...hope you enjoyed.  Love y'all.

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