Thursday, April 14, 2011

About: Having Daughters

I have two beautiful girls.  I am extremely appreciative of these blessings, and thank God every single day (or at least every third) for their presence in my life.  Having only girls…in fact living in a household chocked full of only estrogen (do dogs have estrogen too?) is quite the adventure, but I think I have a few of the tools necessary to survive:
1.  I could literally go days without speaking, and be totally okay with that.  This will come in handy as I will be outnumbered in words approximately 60,000 to 7,000 on a daily basis (
2.  Florida law appears to back up my right to defend my home against potential intruders/burglars (note to self, state tax benefits are not the only reason to go through w/ the relocation to Tallahassee ) (

You might think I would feel a little out of place with zero male companionship…but I’m pretty sure I have some attributes that will help me fit in rather well in the house:
1.  I cried during “Click”.
2.  I couldn’t change a tire if my life depended on it.
3.   I have a man crush on Zach Braff.
4.  I drive a powder blue Prius.

When it comes down to it, I think my only true concerns are financial.  Two college educations?  Two weddings!?!  That’s why I’m starting a new fund to help bolster the coffers for 18 years from now.  I call it the…
                Recovering from
                Educational and
                Events for

Please help as much as you can, as often as you can.


  1. You'll be fine! Just get a gun now... You know, 'walk softly and carry a big stick...'. Roosevelt.

  2. sooooo..... question from one 'might become' a blogger to another who's taken the plunge.. do bloggers LIKE getting comments? or does that take away the carefree bravado of getting thoughts out into cyberspace with pseudo anonymity? ... thinking of going incognito myself.

    just wondering.

    and in regards to too much estrogen... hmmm, what do i say about being surrounded by only testosterone? probably enough said.

    by the way, i guess i could sign up as being a 'follower' because i guess i technically am, but i also like feeling like i'm peeking anonymously too. :)
